Prepare the body for the excesses of Christmas

Christmas is coming and with it all the Christmas events, that if business lunches and dinners, with friends, family... If you do not want so much excess to take its toll on your body and avoid the rebound effect, it is not advisable to do miracle diets, nor express the days before so as not to eagerly arrive at these celebrations.

From BEKEEP we provide you with some tips to avoid binges, weight gain and maintain fitness.

To begin with, we need to know that the food is neither good nor bad, the most important thing is the amount and type of food we are eating.

Our tips:

    • Do not stop excercising, whether it is going for a walk or doing any kind of sport, in this way we will avoid the decrease of muscle tone and weight gain. 

    • Introduce into those meals such copious food of quality and unprocessed.

    • Avoid all sweets with high sugar levels and replace them with homemade, natural desserts with quality ingredients.

    • Very important, hydrate well. Drinking large amounts of water helps keep the body perfectly hydrated and in turn will help us to satiate that feeling of hunger before those Christmas meals. Remember also that water intake helps to balance our electrolytes and also to the proper functioning of our digestive system.

    • Eat protein (animal or vegetable) whenever it’s in your hands and use natural dressings or dressings (fish or meat).

    • Try to plan all meals as well as amounts.

    • Make a conscious meal and choose a small dish. It will look like more food.

    • Avoid sugary drinks and soft drinks, of course, also try not to drink alcohol as they will get you dehydrated much more.

    • Ingesting a lot of vegetables helps purify the body.

    • Try to eat healthy and balanced the days before these meals, but without going hungry, choose satiating and fiber foods that help regulate intestinal transit and eliminate toxins.

You are going to commit excesses, yes, but you can intersperse them by marking them on your calendar and the rest of the days continue with your lifestyle. In moderation and organization is balance.

Another year comes to an end and we want to offer you our best wishes. It has been a difficult year for everyone and from BEKEEP we hope to have fulfilled your expectations and we wish to continue adding experiences to your side.

May this new year present you with opportunities to set new goals and start building your success.


Happy holidays!

BEKEEP, Beyond training together.
