Christmas season can be a bit difficult even for fitness enthusiasts.

At BEKEEP we want to help you with 8 tips to keep the workout routine on these dates without suffering, without losing the rhythm and without gaining the obnoxious extra pounds.

1.    Try to practice 30 minutes of cardio a day, either in the morning or in the afternoon.

2.    Participating in any course or sporting event in your area could be a good idea.

3.  After a hearty meal, take a short walk around the house, just 25 minutes is enough.

4.  Mark in your calendar 2 days in which you will go (if you go) to your gym with a table of strength exercises, to take advantage of the hypercaloric diet that you will have on those days indicated.

5.  Avoid excess sugary drinks and alcohol.

6. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. It’s a simple new year’s resolution that will bring you many benefits.

7.  Important! Control the quantity and quality of your Christmas meals.

8. Make exercise an achievable purpose. Starting the year with the idea of doing more exercise is common, besides being good for the body, it is a very good tool to have a positive attitude when returning to work.

You already have all the keys to start this year with energy, joy and health!

Que en este nuevo año se te presenten oportunidades para establecer nuevas metas y empezar a construir tu éxito.


Happy holidays!

BEKEEP, Beyond training together
